Is It Possible To Recreate Your Favourite Restaurant Dish From Your Own Kitchen?
For many people home cooking is actually better than that served in restaurants, but then again, this depends on two factors. How good a cook you are and how good the restaurant is.
I consider myself to be a pretty good cook myself, I'm pretty accomplished at the basics and without blowing my own trumpet, I make a damn good Chinese buffet, admittedly I can never cook anything in small portions but then isn't that what the freezer's for?
Sometimes my meals taste a damn sight better than they would from half of the restaurants around. Of course to get the quality food you want in a restaurant, you have to pay for it - that's the point. But is it really possible to recreate menus from expensive restaurants in your own home, on demand, whenever you want?
With the shift towards healthy living and more healthy food, it's always a concern when eating out. Without getting paranoid, you secretly want to know, just how much salt went into your meal, or how much of it came out of a jar and of course without waltzing into the kitchen itself, you would never know. Then again, if the meal is one you absolutely cannot live without, then I strongly advise against waltzing into the kitchen, as that's a sure way to be banished from that establishment forever!!
Of course, no-ones roast dinner is ever going to taste as good as mums home cooking, admit it, you know it's true, but sometimes going out to eat to have a certain dish is just pure pleasure, a treat, something to look forward to, and you know that try as you may, it'll never taste the same when you attempt it at home. Like anyone who cooks, restaurants all have their closely guarded secrets, that secret ingredient which will make their food taste out of this world and try as you may, you will never find it. Usually it's something strange, something that you would never consider even using in that certain dish, such a chocolate in chili, although I think a lot of people have cottoned on to that one now.
How many of us have actually cooked a top notch meal then cheated on the desert by getting it out of a box, more to the point, how many of us would actually admit to the fact that it can out of a box. Could you really sit there and take the praise? There is no denying it, try as you may, there is no way your cheesecake is going to taste as good as that one you had last night for desert in that restaurant. OK so maybe it's not cheesecake for everyone, but I bet there is something that tickles your fancy. Something that you really think, wow, I wish I could make that. Maybe even just a sauce.
It's not just the taste either. I know that if I felt I could safely recreate certain things I'd have a damn good go, if only for the fact that it would probably cost half as much and I would know exactly what has gone into it, which is especially handy for those with eating allergies or special diets. Just think, no more quizzing the waiter on exactly how much sugar is in that dish or "are you sure no one touched a peanut?" What's more, imagine actually accepting the praise for what is rightfully yours, instead of hoping that no one finds the box it came out of that you've tried so hard to hide in the kitchen
Undeniably, there are two different types of cooking. There is good old-fashioned home cooking, which is safe, and everybody loves. Then there is that special treat, that trip to your favourite restaurant and the food is somehow different. Maybe it's simply the fact that you didn't have to cook it yourself that makes it just a little more special, or maybe it is that secret little ingredient hidden in there somewhere, that you just can't put your finger on, but sure wish you could!
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