The Right Way of Refrigerating a Starter

Storing your starter in the refrigerator makes a huge difference in the development of the sour flavor. Placing your newly fed starter right away inside the refrigerator reduces the amount of sour flavor while leaving your starter for a few hours after it had completed its rise before storing in the refrigerator gives of a sourer flavor.

To alter the flavor of your starter, you can try different feeding schedules. You can also change the ratio of the ingredients depending on where you plan to use your starter. All those steps will help in changing the balance of the organisms that thrive in the starter. These organisms will make the starter sourer, or less depending on the steps you take.

If you only use your starter for example only once a week, then refrigerating it just after it had risen is more convenient because all you have to do when you have to add it in your recipe is take it out and combine it in.

Storing it right away after it had risen also works well if you mean to store it in your refrigerator for months because reviving it will be so much easier.

A healthy and well fed starter creates a thick and a strong consistency that lasts long when stored in the refrigerator right after every feeding. The refrigerator is your salvation in bringing you the starter you will need every time you have to include in your breads. Although starters that are stored right away gives off a less flavor, you can easily add up the flavor by taking it out, reviving it by feeding and let it sit for hours more than the usual.

You are sure that the refrigerator keeps your starter healthy and living by making sure that it sits safely in your refrigerator. You won't have to worry about it even if it takes months of storage.

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