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Healthy Foods to Eat While You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy is something fun. However, sometimes pregnant women should be careful in choosing food. For those who are used to a healthy lifestyle may be easier in choosing healthy foods because healthy foods also support the baby's health.

Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting often occur in the first three months of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is associated with changes in hormonal levels in pregnant woman's body. The main danger nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is lack of food, fluids, so mother and baby at risk lack essential nutrients for health. The solution is quite simple, such as deal with your eating habits to avoid nausea and vomiting. Here are some tips to overcome the nausea and vomiting during pregnancy:

? Avoid the cause nausea and vomiting, such as avoid the smell of cigarette smoke, cooking odors that bother you.

? Do not lie down after eating, you should sit upright for a few moments

? Avoid excessive drinking while eating

? Taking supplements that can help reduce nausea and vomiting, this can be consulted with your doctor

? Eat little but often

? Rest

What should pregnant women eat?

Folic Acid

Folic acid is one of the important substances. Vitamin B is important for neurological development of infants. Lack of it can cause problems in neurological development that could lead to problems at birth. You can get folic acid from green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, cereals, and whole grains.


Magnesium is important for the development of organs and bones and tissues of the mother. This substance is also needed to prevent premature births that experienced early contractions. Lack of this substance can cause kidney problems. You can get magnesium from whole meal bread, cereals, broccoli, spinach, beans, soybeans, and grains.


This mineral is needed to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, encouraging the body's metabolic capabilities, and assist the transition of nerve impulses. Women who have problems with "morning sickness" should increase the intake of this substance. Potassium is in bananas, strawberries, watermelon, oranges, raisins, apricots, dates, beets, spinach, peas, tomatoes, beans, turkey, and beef.

Vitamin A

Everybody know that vitamin A is needed for eye health, so anything for the baby, who needs this vitamin for the development of the eyes, ears, hands, and membrane development, and required the mother to improve the body's cells are damaged after delivery. But be careful, too much was not good because it can interfere with liver function. We recommend the consumption of natural form, which is in fish, meat, vitamin A-fortified cereals, fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin is known to be effective for the treatment of nausea in women undergoing first trimester of pregnancy. However, more importantly, this vitamin helps metabolized protein, helps the production of antibodies and blood cells, and also good for brain development and nervous system of the baby. It's in the avocado, banana, watermelon, potatoes, wheat, beef, poultry meat, and brown rice.


This substance is essential for DNA synthesis, which is needed to build the body's immune system, can be obtained from prenatal vitamins. It is also in red meat, poultry meat, beans, whole wheat, zinc-fortified cereals, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds. Consuming milk can help the absorption of iron.

What foods should Avoid When Pregnant?

During pregnancy some foods should be reduced, avoided, even forbidden. This is closely related to infant health because of unhealthy foods can interfere with your baby's growth. Some food or unhealthy lifestyle can even lead to birth defects or even death. Here are some foods and lifestyle that should be avoided during pregnancy:

? Junk Food - Food kind of junk food, soft drinks, sugary pastries that high should be avoided because only add calories and body weight but less nutrition.

? Cigarettes and Alcohol - According to research, women who smoke and consume alcohol prone to miscarriage. Babies will have a low weight, high-risk chronic illness, mental retardation, autism, and learning difficulties.

? Medications - Be careful when choosing a drug. Wrong medication can interfere with the development of your fetus. If forced to take medication because of illness should consult your doctor.

? Food without pasteurization - pasteurization process is performed to remove bacteria from food or beverages, such as milk, yogurt, or cheese. Be careful in choosing foods and beverages that do not pass through the process of pasteurization.

? Raw Food - Any seafood (seafood) is still raw, like sushi, satay or baked or boiled steak medium rare should not be consumed during pregnancy because of possible contamination by bacteria or viruses that can be danger to baby's health.

? Processed foods and dyes - Pregnant women advised to avoid consuming, msg, saccharin, Olestra, food dyes, preserved meat

Emmi Sumarlina originally comes from Indonesia. She has written a lot of articles on Healthy Foods. She has additional information on Healthy-Foods Link tips, and Healthy-Foods Link guide you may be interested in reading! Get the latest information about healthy foods at http://HealthyFoods-First.com

Healthy Foods to Keep You Fit

With exercise and healthy foods you will help yourself stay fit. You can choose foods that will benefit your overall health. The foods listed below are excellent choices for you.

Fish has many nutrients as well as protein. As long as you do not deep fry your fish it has little fat and few calories. The oils in fish can help your heart.

A type of fish you may consider serving for a meal includes salmon. Salmon has high protein, it is loaded with vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Saltwater fish is thought to be even more healthy than fresh water fish. Types of saltwater fish and fresh water fish include swordfish, bluegills, walleye, sun fish, perch, trout, flounder, haddock, herring, pollack, sardine and tilapia to name a few.

Another power food includes spinach. Not only does spinach have iron, vitamins A, C, E and K, beta-carotene and calcium but it also has a lot of fiber so your system stays as regular as possible.

Spinach is thought to fight lung cancer as well as breast cancer. Other types of cancers spinach is thought to fight due to the antioxidants in it are prostate cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer and stomach cancer.

Blueberries are high in antioxidants. Blueberries are excellent for you, in that, they help ward off diseases such as cancer. Blueberries can lower the risk of heart disease as they help lower cholesterol and blood lipid levels. Blood pressure can be lowered to as well.

Studies have shown that eating blueberries may help prevent UTI's or urinary tract infections.

Another one of the healthy foods to keep you fit is tomatoes. Tomatoes can lower your risk of getting different types of cancer. You must eat ten tablespoons or more to help protect you. Tomatoes are loaded with antioxidants and nutrients.

When cooking another tip is to use extra virgin olive oil. You can use extra virgin olive oil in your salads, brushed on your meats before baking, drizzled on top of your homemade pizza, on your cooking pans before baking, over your vegetables, etc.

Extra virgin olive oil is phenomenal for your heart. When you use extra virgin olive oil you will lower your cholesterol, help to fight cancer, control your weight and help to keep your hormones and brain working. Try to use olive oil every day in your diet to get the maximum benefit of this wonder oil.

You now know that you should add extra virgin oil to your daily diet. You should add saltwater fish or fresh water fish, spinach, blueberries and tomatoes to your weekly diet so that you will stay as healthy and fit as possible along with a regular exercise program that is created for you.

Morgan Turley is a yoga instructor at Essence Yoga Studio, offering Mesa Arizona Yoga Classes for all skill levels.

Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

Forget the diets that tell you to eliminate entire food groups or that tell you to eat only one thing every single day. Those plans do not work for a number of reasons. You only need to rely on healthy foods to lose weight, and no gimmicks. Gimmicks and tricks do not work. Fad diets and crazy plans do not work. Using healthy foods to lose weight does work.

There are only a few rules for using healthy foods to lose weight. Food that is as close to natural is generally what you should be basing your healthy food menu on. It is next to impossible to get fat eating fruits and vegetables after all.

Learn the "healthy version" of every food and what is the best or top choice in every good group. Learn how to serve these foods in more than one way so you don't get bored with them. For example, the blueberry, one of the best healthy foods to lose weight with, can be eaten as is, frozen, served in a smoothie or mixed with other berries. It can be tossed on top of yogurt for a dessert or on top of a salad as an interesting addition to a common side dish item.

There are so many fruits and vegetables in the world that we may have never heard of before, and while there are other foods that we may not be as familiar with, some are healthy foods we can use to lose weight. Look for foods that you may not know at farmer's markets, ethnic stores and other locations. While you are there, ask advice about choosing the best one and how to serve it for the best flavor. At some places, the seller might be interested in showing you how to make these items and may even give you a sample.

Recently, a number of articles were released that told people that the days of eating dried veggies are over and done with. Thankfully, it was discovered that a number of the vitamins and minerals in these foods are better absorbed by the body when they are accompanied by some healthy fats. The best tip then was to cook your veggies lightly in healthy fats such as olive oil for the best absorption of the vitamins and minerals.

There are other healthy foods to lose weight with including protein foods such as nuts, dairy foods and lean meats. Some varieties of fish give not only lean protein but healthy fats and Omega 3 fatty acids as well. The trick with these foods is not just in knowing which are good to eat and which are not but in knowing the proper portion size for your healthy diet. Nuts, for instance are high in calories, so it only takes a small amount for the proper serving size.

Learn more about healthy eating today. At Strip That Fat you will be taught about healthy eating and exercise you can do for the long-term.

Healthy Foods To Lose Weight - Anabolic Cooking

Nutrition is the most important part of building an impressive physique. Your muscles will not grow by themselves and fat is not going to just fall off. Food will burn that belly fat and make your muscles grow.

Preparing and eating meals is not always on our agenda and is usually neglected and overlooked in our lives. We take the easy way out and spend our money on take-out food and pre-made dinners or we open a can of our favorite soup. Our children are not capable of preparing and cooking meals, because we as parents don't know how to cook healthy foods to lose weight and to build muscle.

When we are trying to stick to healthy foods to lose weight we then face another problem. We get bored with the traditional foods like broccoli, chicken, and carrots. Soon we start cheating and eat everything in sight. Junk food here we come! Where did I hide the chips, ice cream, and cookies? The reason we started eating everything in sight is because we did not prepare something healthy and tasty in advance.

We need to take the time to take care of our body and to cook good nutritious meals. You owe it to yourself and to your children. Most anabolic recipes can be made very quickly, taste good, and are very nutritious for you. You also can prepare many meals in advance.

Here are a few, brief recipe examples:

Take a chicken breast and cut it horizontally. You can then layer it with cheese about 1 oz. Add a slice of bacon and then put the other half of the chicken breast back on and wrap in aluminum foil and bake in oven till done.

Take a bell pepper and cut out the center and remove the seeds. You can make a mixture of eggs, onion, ground round, olive oil and Mozzarella cheese. Bake for approximately 40 minutes in oven.

Doesn't a steak with onions and Brussels sprouts sound appealing? Just steam or boil the sprouts. Cut 1 onion into small pieces and fry in olive oil. Take the brussels sprouts and cut them into pieces and add them to your onion. Add salt and pepper. You can cook your steak in another pan.

Learning to eat healthy and preparing and cooking your own meals will be the best decision you ever made for you and for your family. You will be able to lose weight and to tone and build muscle. For more information to healthy eating visit http://www.eathealthyanabolicrecipes.com

I enjoy writing and have decided to pursue a career in Internet Marketing. I am currently in the process of writing articles on health, weight loss, nutrition, and prayer. I would like to share my knowledge with people of similar interest.

Healthy Foods to Lose Weight Fast

In today's society it can often be very confusing when it comes to nutrition. There are many conflicting views to the point where you don't know where to turn. If you are somewhat overwhelmed and want to know some healthy foods to lose weight fast keep reading this article.

The first rule to keep in mind is that the less processed a food is the better. Most things that come in a box are not that good for you. Frozen TV dinners are a prime example.

One of best foods you can eat to lose weight is oatmeal. This is one of the greatest sources of starchy carbohydrates you will find.

It has a very low glycemic index which means it is a slow digesting carbohydrate. This is exactly what you want when you are trying to lose weight.

Make sure you don't buy the pre-packaged flavored oatmeal though. This kind contains things like preservatives and sugar.

Next are egg whites. They are a great low fat source of quality protein and they are also low in calories. They are also relatively inexpensive.

You can cook them using non-stick cooking spray and there are tons of ways to cook them. Omelets, scrambled etc. You can even buy pure egg whites in cartons that will save you the time of separating the yolks yourself.

The yolk does contain a lot of nutrition such as vitamins and protein but they are also much higher in calories than the whites. So if you are going to eat them I would do so sparingly.

Another inexpensive source of protein is tuna. You can get one can for under a dollar and you can store it for long periods of time. It is also portable which is a great benefit.

You should avoid buying tuna packed in oil because it will add extra calories that you don't need. You can use the tuna in sandwiches or you can throw it into a salad.

If you become tired of tuna there are always chicken breasts. While they do cost a little more they are also a great source of lean protein. Only make sure there is no skin on them.

You can grill them or bake them for the best results and you can add different types of seasonings to add to the taste. It also mixes well with brown rice.

If you are looking for another great source of carbs there is also brown rice. It takes a little longer to make than white rice but it is much healthier for you and will be much better for losing weight.

It contains a lot of fiber which helps to make you feel full longer and it mixes well with a variety of foods. You can also make it in bulk to save on cooking time and you can store the rest in the refrigerator for later.

So if you are in a hurry I highly recommend that you try these healthy foods to lose weight fast. They have been proven to work and they should be the staple of any fat loss diet.

Did you find this article helpful? You can learn many more healthy weight loss diet tips by grabbing a free copy of Healthy Weight Loss Revealed. It teaches 12 powerful metabolism boosting keys to permanent weight loss.

Healthy Foods To Lose Weight NOW And Live Longer TOMORROW

* Organic Diets and Healthy Foods to lose weight.

Ideally all the foods that we eat would be relatively free of pesticides and additives. Pesticides are known as "gender bender" or hormone-disrupting chemicals, as their chemical composition is similar to that of human estrogen. They accumulate in fatty tissue as they are fat soluble, so the fattier the food, the better it is to buy organic, e.g. butter, cheese and fatty meats.

* Certain foods contain More Pesticide Residues than others.

The Top Ten list of healthy foods to lose pesticides residues was compiled by the Pesticides Action Network, which are: flour, potatoes, bread, apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. Moreover, organic foods appear to contain more nutrients, probably due to the farming methods. Because organic cows feed on clover, their milk is higher in omega 3 fats.

* Many Antioxidants in Plants are for Defense.

Many plants are made to have defense mechanism against pests because they are bitter tasting, so using an artificial pesticide lowers these disease-fighting chemicals in plants. But there is a balance to be had here with issues of cost, locally grown and seasonal variations. So try to buy organic healthy foods to lose as much as possible, particularly for animal-derived foods, whole-grain products and root vegetables. Remember to wash fruit and vegetables before eating. For more information see: The Soil Association at - soilassociation[dot]org, The Organic Research Center - efrc[dot]com and The World Wildlife Fund - wwf[dot]org.uk

* Your Digestive System needs Healthy Foods to Lose Irritation.

So many of the women we see have digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea and bloating. Now-a-days many of us eat on the run, grabbing lunch and eating it over the computer, then arriving home late, and if you are trying to eat a good meal with your partner, it may be well after nine o'clock before you eat. Then, of course, no one wants to go straight to bed, so you end up falling asleep on the sofa, dragging yourself off to bed, and before you know it the alarm has gone off, you're still full from the night before and so you miss breakfast. It really doesn't matter how well and healthily you are eating, if you end up with a compromised digestive system.

* Healthy Foods to Lose the TCM Way.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are certain laws of nature, and it is believed that if you go outside of these laws your system becomes out of balance and it is harder to stay well. There are certain times of the day when one organ is believed to peak in performance. For example, 7am-9am is the peak time for the stomach, when you should eat a good breakfast, but 7pm-9pm is the rest-time for the stomach, so that is when you shouldn't eat. However, in Western countries we tend to eat late because we just have to; long gone are the days when you had the luxury of sitting down at 6pm for a good home-cooked meal.

* In the Chinese tradition.

It is also important to eat food as near to its natural state as possible. However, TCM practitioners hold that warming foods (yang foods) are better for fertility, and that too many raw foods are harder to digest. But healthy foods to lose weight, such as a salad on the side of a hot dish should be fine. How you eat, where you eat and the amount of time you chew your food are all very important in TCM. Practitioners believe you should take your time, concentrating on trying to do only one thing at a time.

We strongly recommend you be part of the Home Weight Loss Revolution.. Get Started at the following link today ==> Healthy Foods To Lose Weight. It's amazing how so much weight can be lost doing something so easy, see the Results Here ==> Healthy Snack Recipes for the very Best Results.

Healthy Meal Ideas That Share Healthy Foods To Lose Weight

These Healthy meal ideas share with you healthy foods to lose weight, so please pay attention:

Healthy Meal Ideas: Eat foods rich in Folic acid. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for healthy blood cell production. Foods rich in Folic acid are found in many vegetables and 100% whole grains.

As an example, a cup of cooked lentils provides 90% of the RDA of folic acid. This will also give you needed fiber and protein that will help stabilize your blood sugar and promote a better overall mood.

Folic acid also decreases the potential of heart disease. Low levels of Folic acid can cause anemia, and all women today should know that when pregnant, women low in Folic acid may produce a baby with avoidable deficiencies.

Healthy Meal Ideas: On a regular basis, eat garlic, broccoli, brussel sprouts, collard greens, sunflower seeds, red bell peppers, potatoes, avocados, watermelon, bananas, and chicken breasts, just to name a few. Why? Because the vitamin B6 found in these foods play a major role in red blood cell and protein metabolism. They boost serotonin and dopamine levels, and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels while increasing oxygen to your tissues as well.

People with B6 deficiencies suffering from anemia, headaches, and depression might consider eating these foods to boost B6 levels.

Healthy Meal Ideas: Eat foods rich in omega-3: Such as; salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and anchovies, because the Omega-3 essential fatty acids maintain healthy brain function. And women should know that it is vital for fetal brain and eye development. Vegetarian sources of omega-3 can be found in flaxseeds, algae and walnuts.

Research shows that patients with bipolar disorders improved simply by taking three daily fish capsules high in Omega-3 for a period of only eight weeks.

Healthy Meal Ideas: Eat Complex Carbohydrates: 100% whole grains, fruits and vegetables are healthy foods to lose weight. They supply the body with nutrients and fiber that our bodies need for burning fat.

Good quality carbohydrates may give a positive affect for your mood and sleep. Instead of reaching for cookies, chips, crackers, candies, muffins, or a donut, which may all be full of chemicals, choose unrefined, unprocessed carbohydrates. One such snack might be a 100% sprouted whole grain sandwich made with healthy sugar free, crap free peanut butter, with slices of banana on it or even crispy lettuce for a delicious, uplifting snack.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of eating healthier. These healthy meal ideas help build your body up, when you eat all the wrong foods, it opens the door for all sorts of health problems. Receive the benefits your body will gain from eating these healthy foods to lose weight, so you can get skinny fast.

TG McNichols has been leading a healthy lifestyle for almost 40 years. He is very thankful he made the changes in his life that he made. He still kicks butt on mountain bikers half his age and now you can find these same secrets out for yourself. Please visit Http://HowToGetSkinnyFast4Nitwits.com/

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Heart Healthy Foods

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute as well as the American Heart Association endorse a heart healthy diet called the DASH diet. D.A.S.H. stands for (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). It's also the basis for the new USDA MyPyramid. The foundation of the DASH diet is probably not news to you. It involves things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low saturated fats. Like I said, "It's not glamorous"! Read on for a more in depth look at the new and improved diet that's heart healthy and did I mention it can help shed unwanted weight and protect against cancer?

The foundation of a heart healthy diet is:


Total fat: 27%


Saturated Fat: 6%


Protein: 18%


Carbohydrates: 55%


 It also has no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day (1500mg is better), and at least 30 grams of fiber. If you're like me, this means very little to you and you'd rather just know what foods to eat and which ones to avoid. So I'll put the DASH diet on the bottom shelf for you.


Foods To Eat:


Oily fish and/or lean protein is important. Salmon, tuna and mackerel are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to improve the elasticity of your blood vessels and can also thin the blood protecting against clots. Chicken and turkey breast are always good choices of protein if fish is not your forte'.


Fruits and Vegetables are high in antioxidants which protect against heart disease by neutralizing damaging free radicals in your blood vessels. It is a proven way to aid your body's defenses against atherosclerotic heart disease. Fruits and vegetables are also naturally high in fiber, which have a cleansing effect.


Nuts and Seeds are rich in the good fats (unsaturated) and more importantly high in vitamin E, which protects against "bad" fats (saturated/trans). Nuts fill you up and are a great alternative for a healthy snack.


Foods To Avoid:


Fried Foods are among the worst foods for your heart. They are high in saturated fats, which raise cholesterol. Most people are aware of the health risks involved with fast food, but restaurant food can be just as bad for you.


Red Meat has gotten a bad reputation for a good reason. The marbled cuts are worse and carry with them a higher concentration of fat. Try limiting your intake to once a week or less if you can, and trim as much fat as possible before cooking.


I think most people are not surprised at the advice above, but have a hard time implementing these practices into their every day life. Here are some Superfood tips that make eating healthy easy.

Buy whole grain bread and cereals.
Learn healthy recipes and try new things.
Substitute olive oil for butter or shortening.
Leave fresh fruit out on the counter.
Buy 1% milk or skim
The research is conclusive. Cholesterol and hypertension have been linked to our diet. Heart healthy food is not rocket science, but it does require some discipline. You might be surprised how easy it is to start eating better and your heart will thank you. Arm yourself with the DASH diet for a comprehensive defense against heart disease.

You can visit the Superfood-Guru and see his pick of Heart Healthy Foods at Superfood-Guru.com.


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Heart Healthy Foods - Foods to Protect Your Heart

Heart disease is a major health problem not only in the US but around the world as well. Aside from exercise, the foods you eat have an impact on the health condition of your heart. Whether you are preparing home-cooked meals or eating out, choosing heart healthy foods can help you manage your cholesterol levels. Best of all, a heart-healthy diet can be both delicious and varied.

Here's how you can make heart healthy food choices:

1. Know your fats. Not all fats are evil. In fact, your body needs fats to absorb certain essential vitamins and to function normally. However, you should limit your fat intake to less than 25-35 percent of total calories consumed. Your major source of fat should come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, avocado, vegetable oils and fish.

2. Eat fish at least twice a week. Oily fish such as salmon, herring and trout contain omega-3 fatty acids that help protect against coronary artery disease. Prepare fish by baking, broiling or grilling rather than frying.

3. Choose lean meat and poultry without skin. Sirloin, chuck, round and loin beef cuts have less fat than "prime" grade beef. Choose white meat, and remove all visible fat from meat cuts. Grill, broil or bake meats and poultry instead of frying. Avoid highly processed meats.

4. Use fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Minimize your intake of butter and whole milk. Look for low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese, mozzarella, ricotta and other low-fat cheeses.

5. Avoid high-cholesterol foods such as whole eggs, shellfish and liver. Egg whites are high in protein and contain no cholesterol. You can substitute two egg whites for one egg yolk in many recipes.

6. Cut back on foods with added sugar. Most snack foods and beverages are high in sugar. They are often low in vitamins and minerals. Foods with "empty" calories make you eat and drink more, so you easily gain weight. Avoiding these foods will help you control your weight.

7. Choose foods with little or no sodium. A diet high in sodium can increase the risk of high blood pressure, leading to the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease. Minimize the use of salt by using herbs, spices, lemon juice or salt-free seasonings to add flavor to your food.

8. Include fiber and oat bran in your diet. Soluble fiber found in oats help lower blood cholesterol levels. You need at least 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber daily. Eat more fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Include the skins when appropriate. Oat bran, oatmeal, barley, peas, beans, citrus fruits and berries are high in soluble fiber. Whole wheat bread, carrots, cabbage, beets, turnips and other vegetables are rich in insoluble fiber. Aside from lowering cholesterol levels, dietary fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer, rectal cancer, and diabetes.

Protecting your heart is a simple matter of choosing heart healthy foods. By making the right choices, a healthy heart is easily within your reach.

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Heart Patient Diet - Top Ten Heart Healthy Foods for 2011

The best possible New Year's resolution you can make is adding heart-healthy foods to your diet. Many of them require no disrupting dietary changes. In fact, many times it's just a matter of adding nutritious, heart-healthy ingredients to foods you already prepare. Make it a goal to try five of these delicious foods that protect the heart to you meals each week. You'll wonder why you've waited so long to enjoy healthy eating! You'll be able to stop worrying about cholesterol, heart attacks, and you energy will increase as your whole body gets a boost from these nutritious foods! Here's a list of the top foods that protect the heart and entire cardiovascular system.

1. Oatmeal is proven to lower cholesterol. Look for steel-cut oats that are full of fiber rather than overly sweetened and processed instant oats. Not only fiber but minerals and vitamins are found in oats. This grain is believed to help reduce the effects of stress, another factor that harms the heart.

2. Wild-caught Alaskan salmon is one of the most heart-healthy foods around. Full of omega-3 fatty acids, the wild salmon are virtually free of contaminants. Not so, the so called Atlantic salmon that are actually farmed fish feed colorants to brighten their flesh. Add grilled salmon to salads or serve as a main course. Omega-3 fatty acids increase HDL levels while lowering LDL, or bad cholesterol. They also reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure.

3. Berries are loaded with antioxidants that protect the cardiovascular system from free radical damage, a major factor in heart disease. Along with the antioxidants, berries have anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent artery problems. Add berries to vegetable or fruit salads, cereal, and homemade smoothies.

4. Almonds and walnuts are a great source of heart protective vitamin E, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids along with many other nutrients. Make a great trail mix of dried fruits and nuts, add to salads, or baked goods.

5. Legumes are just what the heart needs. Red, black, and kidney beans, chickpeas, and lentils are all excellent sources of soluble fiber and nutrients. Add them to soups and stews or salads.

6. Brown rice provides the B-complex vitamins that help the body deal with stress. It is also a great source of fiber and magnesium. Add some beans and you have a complete source of protein.

7. Green tea is another excellent source of heart-healthy antioxidants. Brew your own, adding just a touch of raw sugar or honey if you must sweeten it.

8. Tomatoes provide carotenes, lycopene, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Both cooked and fresh tomatoes are heart-healthy and can be added to salads, sandwiches, pasta, and soups and stews.

9. Spinach along with all fresh vegetables and fruits gives the body a full range of heart-healthy nutrients. Studies have shown that adding just three servings of vegetables to your diet significantly cuts the risk of heart disease. Eat your veggies raw in salads or add them to almost any recipe for a nutrient boost.

10. Olive oil has been used for millennia throughout the Mediterranean region. This monounsaturated fat lowers LDL cholesterol, reducing the risk for heart disease. Use this delicious oil liberally on salads, for cooking, or make a delicious dip with herbs and Parmesan cheese.

You can have a more healthy heart for 2011. Make sure you include these foods in your diet. Your heart will thank you for it!

Monique Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality, natural, alternative health products to treat and prevent heart disease. To learn about how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally, visit her blog for weekly tips at Heart Patient Diet

Hidden Fats in Healthy Foods

In today's society, everyone is looking to lose weight. However, even those who feel that they are watching what they eat might be surprised to learn of some of the hidden fats that can be found in their favorite so-called healthy foods.

For instance, researchers have been touting the benefits of eating fish for several years now. Indeed, fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which offer numerous health benefits. It might seem logical then that sushi is a healthy treat, but it depends on the type of sushi that you consume. Many of the popular sushi rolls contain unhealthy fats like cream cheese or mayonnaise. Others include cooked fish that is battered and fried. As a result, sushi is not always the healthiest choice, so make sure you stick with sashimi or more basic sushi rolls, like tuna rolls.

Dried fruit also seems like a good option for snacking, but it can contain added calories. The reason is that dried fruit is much denser than fresh fruit, so it has more calories. In addition, many brands add sugar to their dried fruit snacks, making it even more unhealthy. It is best to stick with fresh fruit when possible.

Another example of a so-called diet food that can pack on extra calories is granola. While granola can be healthy, many prepackaged granola mixes contain a lot of added sugar, which translates into additional calories and fat. If you enjoy eating granola, then it is best to make your own with oatmeal, fruit, and a bit of honey to sweeten if necessary.

When it comes to lunch items, there are several culprits that offer hidden fats. One example is the veggie burger. Although they do not contain the fat and cholesterol of meat burgers, some veggie burgers can contain even more calories due to the added cheese and dressing that binds the vegetables together. For this reason, they should be consumed in moderation. It is important to take note of what you are eating and to make the smartest choices possible.

Along with trying to eat healthy, Joseph enjoys working in his gardens. Garden Harvest Supply is one of his favorite garden sites which offer soil test kits and plant supports for sale.

Home Cooked Dog Food Recipes

Cooking food for your family is a certainly a treat. But do you know that even your dog loves home cooked goodies as well? Give your dog something healthy to eat. Here are some easy-to-follow home cooked dog food recipes.

Chicken Stock

Heat four table spoons of corn oil in a skillet. Add the pre-cut chicken necks and backs. Cook it until brown. Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside. Pour a cup of water on the same pan over medium heat. Put in some cabbage and carrots. Add the cooked chicken. Bring it to a boil. Strain the chicken and vegetables to obtain the chicken stock. You can add the stock to rice or oats. Dogs will enjoy other home cooked dog food recipes served with this.

Beef and Vegetables Mix

Chop two pounds of beef. Mix it with a bag of ground beef. Cook beef in a pan with three tablespoons of oil. Add some mixed vegetables. Stir fry. Turkey and pork can be used alternately with beef. Leftovers can be stored in a refrigerator. Just microwave it before serving. This probably is one of the easiest home cooked dog food recipes you can prepare.

Dog Biscuits

With a pastry cutter, cream margarine and flour in a large bowl. In a smaller container, dissolve garlic powder and powdered milk with water. Whisk in an egg. Add it gradually to the creamed flour and margarine mix. Knead on a floured surface for about four minutes. Roll the dough until it is half an inch thick. Cut the biscuits using the desired cookie cutter. Bake for 40 minutes at 325 Fahrenheit.

Your dog will surely like these home cooked dog food recipes [http://healthy-dog-food-recipes.blogspot.com/2007/09/good-homemade-dog-food-recipes.html]. Why not try them today?

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting, pets and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Home Cooked Dog Food Recipes [http://healthy-dog-food-recipes.blogspot.com/2007/09/good-homemade-dog-food-recipes.html]...

Lodge The Complete Book of Dutch Oven Cooking Cookbook

Lodge The Complete Book of Dutch Oven Cooking CookbookAuthor j. Wayne fears brings this ancient and effective cooking tool into the 21st century describing camp dutch oven cookery in depth. In addition to detailed instructions concerning the selection, care and use of dutch ovens, the book contains a medley of tasty traditional recipes including brunswick stew, cross creek baked salmon, longhunter meatloaf high plains hominy, miss pam's bean hole beans and bubbly peach cobbler. 144 pages. Hardcover

Price: $25.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

How to Cook Healthy Meals - 5 Golden Rules How to Prepare Your Meal With a Minimum Amount of Fat

Did you know that fat is an extremely important nutrient? It's our body's main energy source. We couldn't live without it. The problem is that in our modern diet we eat way too much fat, and we have a tendency of eating the wrong fats. This causes problems like arteriosclerosis (possibly resulting in heart attack or stroke), high cholesterol and obesity.

If you want to prepare a healthy meal to prevent the above problems, there are basically two things you need to consider to use fat in a healthy way:

The less fat the better.
Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats.

These facts lead to 5 rules how to cook meals with a healthy fat content:

Use fat sparingly
Prefer healthy fats
Choose low-fat foods
Prefer cooking methods that use little or no fat
Use equipment that requires little or no fat

1. Use fat sparingly

This is most likely the most important rule for a healthy meal. The less fat you add the better. Forget about adding oil to your pasta water to prevent the pasta from sticking together, it anyways doesn't work. And you don't really need to add a lot of butter to your rice to give it a nice taste. Rather use spices to add some flavor. Think twice if you really need to add this amount of fat. If you don't, then leave it.

2. Prefer healthy fats

In most recipes, animal fats can easily be replaced by the healthier vegetable fats. Use a good margarine instead of butter and a blend of vegetable oils for all frying and roasting. Olive, canola and rapeseed oil and any products derived from them are the healthiest options. Olive oil also reduces the bad cholesterol levels. It tastes great with many vegetables (e.g. grilled potatoes, stir-fried marrows, peppers, mushrooms and carrots) and salads.

3. Choose low-fat foods

Animal products like dairies, eggs, meat (especially beef), poultry and fish contain mainly saturated fats which are rather unhealthy for our body. Processed foods and pastry also belong into this group. Cut these foods to a moderate amount, choose lean meats and low-fat dairy products, and eat larger portions of low-fat foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains and grain products as well as legumes.

4. Prefer cooking methods that use little or no fat

Frying in oil is certainly one of the unhealthiest cooking methods. Rather stir-fry or bake your food in the pan which uses way less oil. Steaming, stewing and baking in the oven can even do without added fat. There is, for example, a special type of chips that is specifically designed for oven-baking instead of frying (it's usually labeled "oven-bake chips").

5. Use equipment that requires little or no fat

Non-stick pots, pans and ovenproof dishes are an excellent asset for fat-reduced or even fat-free cooking, and there is a wide range available. Make certain you buy good products that will live up to the promise they make (the cheaper ones often lose their non-stick coating rather soon). There are also other types of cookware that have the same effect of denying the need of added fat to a great extend. A steamer is another option you might want to consider.

Now, if you follow these five rules explained above, your meals will contain less fat in general, and they will focus on the healthier fats, meaning your whole meal will be much healthier, and so will you. Always remember that nowadays there is barely a chance that you might not get enough fat. Even if you use it as sparingly as described here, you will still get sufficient. The secret to using fat in a healthy way is, as I mentioned before: as little as possible (that applies to both the fat your foods contain and the fat you add to them), and if you have to use fat, then choose healthy fats.

Bettina Berlin is a health professional specializing in healthy nutrition and quick cooking. Eating healthy and thus maintaining a healthy weight can significantly improve your health and help prevent many diseases. Is your life so hectic that preparing healthy food often seems impossible? Then visit http://www.elishas-quick-recipes.blogspot.com TODAY and get your FREE fast cooking tips and much delicious quick easy recipes!

How to Cook Healthy to Stay in Shape

If you are hoping to slim down and look your best, much of it has to do with what you eat. Of course, we are all more than aware how difficult it can be to make smart choices when dining out, so where do you even begin in eating right?

The first thing that you can do is to start cooking healthy at home with these simple tips:

1. Cook vegetables quickly. Stir frying or steaming vegetables will preserve their nutrients so that you get a greater nutritional value from eating them.

2. Make a smoothie. If you want a variety of vitamins and minerals in one simple meal or snack, you can make a smoothie from a banana, frozen fruit, fat free yogurt, and protein powder. This will give you up to five servings of fruit in a single glass, and you will also have protein to get you through the day.

3. Cook with whole grains. This is an easy substitution that you can make for pasta, bread, or even rice. Use whole grain pasta, whole wheat bread, and brown rice when you are cooking as a much healthier option.

4. Limit your use of oil. Olive oil is healthy for your heart, but it is also full of calories! When you are cooking meat or vegetables, measure out how much olive oil that you use to limit your caloric intake. Another easy tip is to cook chicken in chicken broth, which is very low-calorie and flavorful.

5. Make low-fat substitutions. Whether it is low-fat dressing, low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, or low-fat ice cream, all of these low calorie choices will make a serious difference in helping you to lose weight. You would be amazed at how many calories you can add to your salad alone by using a full fat dressing!

6. Roast and poach your meat. This is much better than frying or cooking in oil because poaching and roasting are low calorie alternatives to cooking meat. These cooking methods can be used for chicken, fish, beef, and all other sources of protein.

7. Eat fruit for dessert. Even if you were to only have watermelon, it is a sweet and healthy alternative compared to ice cream as dessert. You can also try frozen yogurt, sorbet, and sherbet as a substitute for ice cream. For a truly healthy treat, go for fresh fruit with low-fat whipped topping. It is sweet, fresh, and truly delicious!

8. Make smaller portions. Of course, this is a no-brainer, but you will not be able to lose weight if you are eating too much. This is true even if the food is healthy! Monitor the portions that you are using for all food so that you can trust that your calorie count is in check, even when preparing a delicious dish.

These healthy cooking tips will make a serious difference in helping you to maintain your figure while still enjoying the foods that you love! The important thing is to be mindful about the way that you are cooking so that you can continue to enjoy food while losing weight.

Kathryn Bolling is a fitness and beauty expert with the best information available in her extensive fitness e-books at www.beauty-books.com.

How to Cook Japanese Food - Your Ultimate Guide

Today, more and more people are enjoying the benefits of eating Japanese food. It is not only tasty, but it is also very healthy. This is why many people would love to try doing it on their own. This will serve as a guide on how to cook Japanese food; the basic ingredients, and the things that you will need to prepare Japanese food will be covered here.

The first thing you need to know if you want to learn how to cook Japanese food is that Japanese cooking equipment and ingredients are now very easy to buy, so you do not need to worry about finding them. Most grocery and department stores carry these, and most of these equipment can be substituted with the ones you already have in your kitchen.

A wok is a basic necessity, if you want to prepare Japanese dishes in an easy way. They are great for frying and steaming, but it is mostly a favourite for stir-fry, as its high wall allows you to mix and stir ingredients easily, without worrying that they will spill or flip outside. A rice cooker will be your best friend, since most Japanese dishes are accompanied with rice. It makes cooking rice fast and easy; all you need to do is follow a simple instruction on how many cups of rice and water to add.

Ingredients always include Japanese cooking wine or mirin; soy sauce-used as seasoning and even as sauce; wasabi for sushi rolls and sashimi; chilli sauce, and others. These are the staples, so it is a wise idea to stock up on these ingredients before you make your first attempt at Japanese cooking.

To learn how to cook Japanese food, all you need are these simple equipment and ingredients, an open mind, and a hungry stomach! It is no wonder why many people love Japanese food; with its rich taste and health benefits, Japanese cooking is being found on everyone's dining table.

Are you looking to cook delicious Japanese foods? We can show you every step you need to follow to cook over 108 top Japanese recipes! Save money and cook amazing Japanese food, go to http://www.JapaneseCookingDIY.com now!

How to Encourage Your Kids to Make Healthy Food Choices

With the ever increasing rates of obesity and consequent medical problems (like diabetes and joint pains) on the rise in children today, you are bound to pay more attention to your child's health than usual.

Parenting is no longer about allowing your child the benefit of an extra ice-cream or a pack of chips. These acts will only encourage bad eating habits in your child and place him at higher risk for all kinds of dangerous medical diseases. To save your child from these risks, you will have to make sure they are trained to make healthy food choices.

The first thing to remember here is that a parent needs to instill a sense of fun about good food choices. Kids can also be kept interested in food by involving them in some light fun cooking and baking. Make them feel like it is something they enjoy doing. If they help you make that batch of whole-meal muffins, chances are they will enjoy eating them too. It is also advisable to make sure that you begin this healthy food choice routine as early as possible. If bran bread is the only kind of bread that your child is accustomed to, they will accept it as a norm. It is much more practical than giving them tastes of regular bread initially and then expecting them to switch to a healthier type.

Similarly you can treat them to frozen yogurt or low fat ice cream and honey instead of sugar. Make fresh fruit seem more fun by pointing out their fun recipes and colors. Kids also take up habits from parents so if you yourself follow a healthier routine your kids are bound to adopt it. Keep them away from high sugar drinks and make smoothies or shakes at home to ensure that your children are having safe and healthy things to eat and drink.

If you train your children to make healthy choices today, they will grow up to make healthy choices all their lives. As a parent or a guardian it is your responsibility to teach kids to choose healthy lifestyle and eating habits for themselves. Parents who teach their children to eat healthy can rest assured that their children will make these choices throughout their lives.

Teaching children to cook and have fun while cooking is also a great way to celebrate life with your family.

Gabriel enjoys providing articles on various interesting topics. Besides health and fitness, he also likes gadgets. Do check out his latest site at [http://menswristwatchesdeals.com/] which covers reviews and product information on mens wrist watches [http://menswristwatchesdeals.com/].

How to Find The Healthy Foods When Grocery Shopping

What is really Healthy?

We all try and stick to choosing healthy items when grocery shopping or eating out, but how well do we really know our foods? Discover how to find out about reading between the lines, what to look out for in labels and how to dine out healthily.

When shopping in your local supermarket, it's very easy to be attracted to colourful aisles filled with crisps and chocolates. It can sometimes take a lot of will power to resist grabbing a few treats...especially if you are food shopping on an empty stomach!

So the logical choice is to head for the aisles that sell 'healthy' food. But how genuinely healthy is the food that you are buying? It looks healthy, it sounds healthy, but you may actually find that it contains 'hidden' fats, salts and sugars. In short, anything BUT healthy!

Fat free? Sugar free? Calorie free?

Phrases such as 'fat free' and sugar free' sound great in theory, but a closer inspection may be needed. A claim such as 'fat free' usually means that in order for the item to be 'fat free', something else has to be added to make it taste edible.

So check the label at the back to see what has been added to make up for the lack of fat. The product could be significantly high in sugar, and so, even if the product is fat free, it will probably be packed full of calories. The same goes for products boasting a low number of calories or no sugar at all. Again, check the back label because the fat content may be very high.

Also check to see whether the nutritional information relates to the portion size or if it's per 100g. When cooking a meal, think in terms of portion size to get a better idea of how much fat and calories each person will really be consuming.

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A., B.Sc. (Biochemistry) is the creator of the online weight loss, health & fitness magazine Weight Loss Health. For free resources, tips and healthy recipes to help you lose weight and gain energy, visit http://weight-loss-health.com.au

How to Fit All Those Healthy Foods Into Your Day

We all know that healthy eating is the first step in staying healthy. In fact it is the primary illness prevention activity w can have. At the same time we all know that certain types of food are unhealthy for us. And yet eating healthy food can sometimes be a problem.

Time is a major factor that affects whether we eat healthy food that has been cooked in such a way that the nutritious elements are kept. Availability is also another one. Cooking recipes also play an important part. Many people reason that there must be truth in the statement that healthy food is boring food.

Then along comes that other aspect of eating that affects nine out of ten people. Dieting.

If you are on a a diet or have been trying to eat better, you might have had problems trying to get all the healthy food that you know you should be eating into your diet. For the most part, many of the common dishes and meals that are eaten don't use large quantities of fresh and natural foods in them. Besides eating a salad before a meal, what are some other options to consider.

If you are going to get more than a few servings a day of fruits and vegetables, you are going to have to plan for it as it won't happen by accident. Processed foods, which have lost much of their healthy food ingredients are easily available - fresh food that is unadulterated by any type of manipulation, is very hard to find. You have to go out of your way to get the right food into your diet.

One of the easiest ways of eating this type of food is to simply blend it. There are a wide variety of blended fruit and vegetable drink recipes that you can follow. Take all those items that you know you should be eating that really don't go well with other things and make a shake. One common one is what's called a green drink. This has apples, bananas, with some leafy greens. You can also mix fruit and vegetables with something like whey powder to make interesting combinations. Drink this in the morning to get the good food in your early on in your day.

Another way of doing this is to plan fresh foods as your snacks. Fruits sometimes don't keep as well during the day as do vegetables. Have a few bags worth of fresh food made up that you can take with you to work or out during your day. Snack on these to get them into your diet.

The key is to plan these foods into your diet with intent. Find something that works for you so that you can be eating better foods during your day.

Philip Robinson has various on line projects including beauty related issues. You can visit his latest website on Laser Hair Removal Men where you can find further information on Laser Hair Removal Cost. Philip has a passion for family, fun, creativity, education, quality of life and all in a loving environment.

BonJour Creme Brulee Chef's Culinary Torch with Fuel Gauge, Brushed Aluminum

BonJour Creme Brulee Chef's Culinary Torch with Fuel Gauge, Brushed AluminumBonjour's chef's crème brûlée torch allows you to make restaurant quality desserts at home. Not only is the chef's crème brûlée torch an essential tool for preparing the classic crème brûlée, but it also has a variety of other uses in the home kitchen including browning meringue and melting cheese on onion soup gratinée. Die cast aluminum body features a fuel level indicator window so you know when it's time to refill. Butane not included.

Price: $34.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Cooking Guide Apron

Cooking Guide ApronThe Cooking Guide Apron is printed with tons of handy info that any cook will find useful. Simply lift the bottom of the apron to review common conversion charts, a cooking glossary, freezing and defrosting guidelines, steak wellness tips, and much, much more.Printed on natural unbleached cotton. One size fits all.

Click here to buy from Amazon

Splash-Proof Super-Fast Thermapen (Gray) Instant Read Thermometer, Perfect for Barbecue, Home and Professional Cooking

Splash-Proof Super-Fast Thermapen (Gray) Instant Read Thermometer, Perfect for Barbecue, Home and Professional CookingThe Super-Fast Thermapen has been a favorite among restaurant chains, health inspectors and quality managers worldwide. Hundreds of thousands are in use. The clever fold-away probe and the simple pocket design replace more costly and bulky handheld thermometers while using the same professional thermocouple technology. This new generation Thermapen introduces a robust, splash-proof design with molded-in seals to protect the thermometer from wet hands and kitchen splashes. SPEED & ACCURACY - Even more accurate than before and slightly faster! Our proprietary circuit yields accuracies better than ±0.7¡F. That includes all errors! (many competitors don't include the probe error in their spec.) Each unit comes with a NIST-Traceable certificate of calibration showing test results for the individual thermometer. Resolution is now 0.1¡ over the full range. Improvements in the probe technology now yield a blazing fast speed of 3 seconds to a full temperature reading. NO CABLES! - The components most likely to fail in a commercial thermometer are the cable and its connector. Also, the typical handheld meter and probe combination requires two hands. What do you do with the cable when you're through with it? The competition want you to wrap it around the meter, which is time consuming and a natural trap for grime and bacteria! The one-handed Thermapen eliminates frayed cables, snags, germ traps and wasted time while freeing your second hand. SIMPLE OPERATION - Just open the probe and the Thermapen comes on. Close it and it shuts off. No buttons or switches to catch germs, confuse staff and cause errors. Configuration settings in the battery compartment allow management to easily set the Thermapen for ¡C or ¡F, read in tenths or whole degrees (0.1¡ or 1¡), and disable the auto-off for continuous readings till the probe is closed. Although likely to never be needed, a calibration trim button fine-tunes the unit calibration at a single temperature such as an ice-bath.

Price: $96.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wilton Bake Easy Non-Stick Spray

Wilton Bake Easy Non-Stick SprayFor cakes that turn out beautifully every time, start by spraying pans with Bake Easy. This convenient non-stick spray helps your cakes release perfectly with fewer crumbs for easier icing and a flawless decorated cake. Just a light, even coating does the job. Use Bake Easy for all mixes and recipes - cupcakes, brownies, breads and more. Versatile for all types of baking and cooking.

Click here to buy from Amazon

Making the Transition From Unhealthy Foods to Healthy Foods

Most of us would like to eat healthier, but have trouble with breaking old habits and starting new ones. Maybe you've been eating the typical American diet for so long now, that it seems almost impossible to learn to appreciate the flavors of real food, as opposed to the highly-sugared, salty, processed food that you're accustomed to. Or maybe, you are currently a pretty healthy eater, but would like to learn a little more to "tweak" your diet. Well, read on, and you will learn how to get the most out of your diet by making the necessary changes to make the transition from unhealthy to healthy foods.


First and foremost, get in the habit of reading labels. Awareness is the key. Becoming aware of the chemistry in your food is one of the first steps to become healthy, and is probably one of the most important of all. When you get into the habit of reading what you are eating, it will make a big difference. Don't become overly obsessive, just become aware. If you cannot pronounce it, you shouldn't be eating it. And chances are, if there are more than 6 ingredients, it's probably a processed food. Your goal should be to eat whole foods that have no other ingredients but themselves. The flavor of whole foods will make such a difference that soon (with consistency) your taste buds won't want for anything else. You will soon find that any food that has chemicals and preservatives in it will taste medicinal and fake. When shopping in any store, whether it is your local grocery store or a health food store, remember it is best to shop the perimeter (outside aisles) as much as possible. That is where you will find most of the whole foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, dairy, and so on. The inner aisles, with the pre-packaged foods, will do the most damage to your health.


Refined sugar is a huge health-robber, but one of the easiest to wean yourself from because there are many treats that you can buy at a health food store that are made with "legal" sugars: raw honey, barley malt, fruit juice maple syrup, Sucanat, stevia, Rapidura, raw cane juice, and agave. These sugars have not been put through a process that removes all of the nutrients. They will give you an energy boost, but not so high that you will come crashing down 20-30 minutes later with the awful feeling a "sugar crash" gives you. I know it's hard to conceive, but if you start to eat more real-food and more earth-centered food, your cravings for sweets of any kind (even the "legal" ones) will decrease tremendously. The best way to start the weaning process is to stop buying refined sugars and sweets and bringing it into the house.


Now, everyone is not going to go for this one, and I am aware of that. But you nay-sayers please still read on, because you are bound to get something out of this section. In years past, there were very few substitutes for meat, but now you can get almost anything you want in any form or flavor that you can imagine, based on turkey, chicken, fish or soy products. These red meat/pork alternatives are so well-seasoned, at times, that you'll be convinced that you are eating the real thing. Most of the dishes we make with ground beef are really about the seasoning or condiments. If you dress up a veggie burger with goodies like tomato, onion, lettuce (other than iceberg), pickles, ketchup, and mustard, your brain will tell you that you are eating the real thing. For other ground beef dishes like meatloaf or sloppy joe, you can add your "special sauce" and other ingredients to ground turkey or texturized vegetable protein (soy protein crumbles) and fool even your biggest meat eaters. If you are trying to wean yourself and/or your family off beef and pork products and are not ready to become completely vegan, try Shelton Farms turkey and chicken products. They are preservative-free and made from free-range poultry meat. With all of the panic surrounding mad cow disease, it's good to know that you don't have to sacrafice your health for flavor anymore.


If you make the commitment to give up dairy products, you will realize how easy it is to make many of you favorite dishes with a milk substitute. You can find healthy milk alternatives that will not only taste good, but will also make you feel better because your nose won't be stuffy, your throat won't be phlegmy, and you digestion will be greatly improved. For a milk alternative, I usually recommend Silk Soy Milk by White Wave- this is the Cadillac of all soy milks on the market. Or, if you're allergic to soy, I recommend Original Enriched Rice Dream by Imagined Foods. Both can be used in cooking and baking, but I recommend you use the unsweetened versions of either one. Also, Earth Balance Margarine is a good butter substitute because it has no hydrogenatated oils. As for cheese, Veggie Slices are great and they come in a variety of flavors (American, Swiss, Provolone, Monterey Jack). The same manufactuer of Veggie Slices brand makes shredded versions of the cheese, too. There are also substitutes for sour cream, cream cheese, and dairy creamer to replace half-and-half. And let's not forget yogurt. There are soy substitutes for that as well. Going cold turkey may be hard for some, and in that case, you may need to gradually wean yourself off dairy. Gradually decrease the dairy products you use while substituting the alternative version. You will notice that there isn't much difference, except that you will begin to feel better.

It is my hope that you have learned a lot from this issue, not only about what is written here, but about yourself and the things that you need to work on to gain better health. If it all seems overwhelming, then just start with one thing at a time. You may want to start at the top of the list, and each 2-3 weeks work your way down the list. I recommend at least 3 weeks of consistent work on each topic before moving on to the next, in order to create a habit of change. Before you know it, you will have incorporated 4 important steps into your lifestyle that can do nothing but make YOU a healthier YOU!

Christine Watson has been teaching health, wellness, and nutrition since 1992. She is a nutritionist, registered dietitian, and certified wellness coach. As the owner of Compassionate Nutritionist, LLC, Christine's goal for her clients is to help them incorporate healthy eating, wellness, and fitness into their busy lives. To learn more about the services Christine offers, go to her website at http://www.CompassionateNutritionist.com or email her at Christine@CompassionateNutritionist.com

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