Heart Healthy Foods - Foods to Protect Your Heart

Heart disease is a major health problem not only in the US but around the world as well. Aside from exercise, the foods you eat have an impact on the health condition of your heart. Whether you are preparing home-cooked meals or eating out, choosing heart healthy foods can help you manage your cholesterol levels. Best of all, a heart-healthy diet can be both delicious and varied.

Here's how you can make heart healthy food choices:

1. Know your fats. Not all fats are evil. In fact, your body needs fats to absorb certain essential vitamins and to function normally. However, you should limit your fat intake to less than 25-35 percent of total calories consumed. Your major source of fat should come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, avocado, vegetable oils and fish.

2. Eat fish at least twice a week. Oily fish such as salmon, herring and trout contain omega-3 fatty acids that help protect against coronary artery disease. Prepare fish by baking, broiling or grilling rather than frying.

3. Choose lean meat and poultry without skin. Sirloin, chuck, round and loin beef cuts have less fat than "prime" grade beef. Choose white meat, and remove all visible fat from meat cuts. Grill, broil or bake meats and poultry instead of frying. Avoid highly processed meats.

4. Use fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Minimize your intake of butter and whole milk. Look for low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese, mozzarella, ricotta and other low-fat cheeses.

5. Avoid high-cholesterol foods such as whole eggs, shellfish and liver. Egg whites are high in protein and contain no cholesterol. You can substitute two egg whites for one egg yolk in many recipes.

6. Cut back on foods with added sugar. Most snack foods and beverages are high in sugar. They are often low in vitamins and minerals. Foods with "empty" calories make you eat and drink more, so you easily gain weight. Avoiding these foods will help you control your weight.

7. Choose foods with little or no sodium. A diet high in sodium can increase the risk of high blood pressure, leading to the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease. Minimize the use of salt by using herbs, spices, lemon juice or salt-free seasonings to add flavor to your food.

8. Include fiber and oat bran in your diet. Soluble fiber found in oats help lower blood cholesterol levels. You need at least 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber daily. Eat more fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Include the skins when appropriate. Oat bran, oatmeal, barley, peas, beans, citrus fruits and berries are high in soluble fiber. Whole wheat bread, carrots, cabbage, beets, turnips and other vegetables are rich in insoluble fiber. Aside from lowering cholesterol levels, dietary fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer, rectal cancer, and diabetes.

Protecting your heart is a simple matter of choosing heart healthy foods. By making the right choices, a healthy heart is easily within your reach.

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