What Is Curry?

Curry is not a single spice- this is often a fact that might startle someone who is used to the concept of adding curry to create Indian food. As a teacher of Indian cooking, it is not unusual for me to meet students who do not realize this.

Actually, the word curry simply speaking is the simplest English matching for the Hindi word masala that translates to refer to a spice blend. In Indian parlance, the word curry refers to the gravy or sauce that usually is the base of Indian food, Indians hardly thing of curry as something dry.

However, in meshing these two concepts that of a dry catch all spice (OK spice blend) and the gravy that surround the food, a basic all in one curry blend can be created. In its most basic form the Indian spicing is balanced and complex. This might seem like an oxymoron, but it is very symbolic of the balanced and complex culture that is India.

So going back to a curry blend, to find a blend that would make a good curry one needs a mix that is hot, sweet, fragrant, bitter and sharp thereby meeting all the balance of flavors. A common mixture that works can be the combination of spices as listed,

Hot: Red and Black Peppers
Sweet: Fennel seeds
Fragrant: Cinnamon, Cardamom and Cloves
Bitter: Fenugreek seeds
Sharp: Cumin and Coriander

So there you have it, try this all in one blend to conjure you next Indian curry,

All in one curry

Makes 1 cup


2-3 dried red chillies 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tsp fennel seeds 1 large piece of cinnamon 3-4 pods cardamom 7 cloves 1 tsp fenugreek seeds 1 tbsp cumin seeds 2 tsp coriander seeds 1 tsp turmeric

Method of Preparation

1. Place all the ingredients on a skillet and dry roast these ingredients.
2. Place in a coffee grinder and grind to a fine powder.
3. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
4. Use as needed.

To convert the above spice mixture into a basic Indian dish, you need to heat some oil, saute some chopped onions, ginger and garlic. Add in a chopped tomato and cook till very soft and mixed, now add in vegetables, chicken or tofu and 1 tbsp of the spice mixture prepared above. Cook for 5 minutes add about 3/4 cup water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, simmer for five minutes and enjoy!

Rinku Bhattacharya is a teacher of Indian cooking and the author of the blog, Cooking in Westchester. Rinku loved to develop and cook simple homey recipes, with an emphasis on natural fresh ingredients. She is extremely excited about her upcoming cookbook, The Contemporary Indian Table.

Information about her classes can be found on, http://www.cookingwithrinku.com/ and you can read about her recipes, thoughts and insights on India cooking and follow the blog on Facebook, to get recipes and follow the garden updates and get answers to your questions on Indian Cooking. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cooking-in-Westchester/160731627312782

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