Is Your Diet a Little or a Lot SAD?

The problem with the SAD diet is that it is pro-inflammatory. Inflammation is best explained as being like a "fire within". Or if you can imagine what inflammation on the outside of the body looks like, such as a cut, it is red, sometimes swollen or hot and indicates an immune reaction is taking place. On the inside however it is marked by the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines which are produced by the lymph cells. The job of the pro-inflammatory cytokines is to protect the body against infection and invasion.

Inflammation that is happening inside the body will eventually causes health defects - it is yet another promoter of fatigue and sickness behavior in the body.A major health issue associated with inflammation is heart disease. Cholesterol is still being promoted as the cause of heart disease, however we now know that that is not the case. Inflammation is in fact the primary cause of heart problems.

So what is this Standard American Diet?

The Standard American Diet typically consists of foods that are high in simple sugars, trans fatty acids (the type that are found in margarines and most commercially produced bakery produce), saturated fats and refined foods. These foods have a high glycaemic load (see How to Stop Metabolic Syndrome Book to find out more). These foods are also low in nutrients.

The Standard American Diet promotes obesity. Obesity is know to be a major cause of inflammation. This is just one of the reasons why an overweight person with pain has so much difficulty getting relief. Inflammation is a major cause of pain, Interestingly the drug lipitor mainly works to decrease heart disease by decreasing inflammation althoug it does little to actually decrease cholesterol levels, which is what it is prescribed for.

So inflammation is a huge problem and reversing inflammation is a major step in helping you stay healthy.

The Wellness Diet is the opposite to the SAD. It is anti-inflammatory and is low in :

sugary foodstrans fatty acidssaturated fatsfoods that are low in nutrients.

It is high in:

Phytonutrientsanti-oxidantsvitamins and mineralsessential fatty acids such as fish oils

The Wellness Diet subsequently has an anti-inflammatory effect. An anti-inflammatory diet also tends to be a low reactive diet (low in allergy producing foods) and has less foods exposed to chemicals.

For long term good health, the Wellness Diet is recommended to boost health, prevent and treat the myriad of health problems that go hand in hand with inflammation.

Vivienne Savill is a Naturopath and Nurse who runs a natural health clinic in Australia. She is passionate about teaching people how to maintain good health and prevent ill health, through the use of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and herbs. Vivienne is the author of numerous health books which can be found at

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