Tips for Buying an Electric Pressure Washer

Electric pressure washer come in many variations like in power and size, and the different purpose or use it serves, either for commercial or home applications. Small washers that use cold water are ideal and effective to use for home. They are utilized for washing cars, garage floor cleaning, patios, and more. Some are very handy for cleaning windowpanes and even bathroom or shower stalls. Although, cold-water washers do not have the grease-cutting power and capabilities compare to hot-water units, however, they can still be utilized with the use of cleaning solutions or degreasers.

However, before considering in buying one, you should check up on a few essential things beforehand. Some of these things include pump, PSI, and GPM

PSI - One of the first things you need to consider when buying this product is their PSI. PSI, or pounds per square inch, will determine how much water pressure the machine can generate. You should look for electric pressure washers that generate between 1200 and 2000 PSI. You should avoid machines that generate too much pressure because they may cause damage.

GPM - another thing you should need to consider when buying this product is their GPM rating. The GPM rating, or gallons per minute, measure the amount of water that the machine uses in one minute. This washer with a high GPM rating will clean more quickly. You should look for a design that is about 1.5 GPM.

Pump - You will also need to think about the pump when buying this product. Some designs use plunging pumps. These are smaller and capable of generating high pressures. However, direct drive pumps are more efficient and durable.

Nozzle - One of the next things you need to consider when buying it, is the nozzle. The nozzle will spray water at various angles. You will be able to cover larger areas with nozzles that spray between 15 and 25 degrees. Nozzles that spray at 0 degrees will provide more pressure. You should look for pressure washers that come with adjustable nozzles.

Price - One of the final things you need to think about when buying this is their price. If you will not be using the washer frequently, you should look for a smaller design that will cost no more than $150. Medium-sized electric pressure washers usually cost between $125 and $200. Large designs can cost you upwards of $275. You should look for a machine that can generate between 1200 and 2000 PSI. It is also best to buy this that come with an adjustable nozzle so that you can adjust it depending on the situation. You should also look for a washer that uses about 1.5 gallons per minute.

You can visit us at for more info on electric pressure washer.

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