Southern cooking brings soul food

I was born and grew up in the heart of the deep South. I remember can, that I remember me long summer afternoons spent iced as far back to drink tea and shelling peas and Butterbeans on my grandmother's veranda. I have moved on from my roots and my way to other regions of the world have made. One thing, but that has remained constant in my life my deep and abiding by the law is love to southern cooking and cuisine.

I was probably in my teen years before I realized that tea could be served elsewhere when loaded with sugar and ice. It was at this time, I realized that vegetables would eat some people, which dredged in the batter in cornmeal, and deep fat fried soaked was still not. Southern cooking is not for the faint of heart, although it can cause many heart weak growth. One thing to say is that you never anything else like it on Earth.

Learned people in the South, with little often make. Some of the poorest people in America living in the southern part of the country. Of course you will find that many of these people despite their poverty also to include the most generous. Food be the same. It is the one thing that seems in ample supply in the southernmost houses and very few are you away with empty stomach.

Perhaps it is often in southern food cooking the spices. Bring to a boil from the crab and gumbo file of Cajun cuisine, the secret ingredient that almost every southern cuisine for their chicken recipes contains fried (and no one on earth can as a born and bred southern Grandma roast chicken). Perhaps it is Church Sunday dinner where everyone shares what little they have with others or of love, which is these courts that will be shared with friends and family in preparation. In any case may be, if you ever have the opportunity to real Southern cooking experience, pass it not to. You could shave off your life one day, but a good Southern fried chicken leg really lives and is worth the sacrifice, if you ask me.

It would be naturally remiss to mention southern cooking without some more delicious desserts, which seem to be perfection for the South. Banana pudding is mentioned above, but there are so many more. Chocolates are perfect for those life down to New Orleans as is bread pudding. A little to the East there are grannies who so coveted have taken their lemon icebox pie recipes to the grave with them this delicious deserts were and the same applies to pecan pie as well. We should never forget of spicy Mississippi Mud cake, however, and so many other wonderful delicious treats this southern cooking has introduced to the world as a whole.

Favorite vegetable in the heart of the South as mentioned above contain peas and Butterbeans, snap beans, corn, pumpkin (eventually summer is all year round in the South) and okra (fried or cooked in many southern kitchens). Not all vegetables were deep fried, although were only a few restricted area. I remember my share of fried okra, squash, eat fried and Yes, fried green tomatoes. Life was good back if calories were not counted, and no one really worried about that clog arteries. While I make this a daily Bowl in a household would not, I would certainly recommend them to try if you ever find the way.

Another great thing about southern cooking is the wonderful fried seafood, which seems, abound. From fried fish (almost every variety works well, if it is Southern Fried) oysters, fried seafood taste in the South seems just so much better. If you hope to learn some of the southern cooking and cuisine, you probably need your spices and have delivered if your grocery store has an extensive "exotic" food selection. Sometimes you'll find great southern spices to the corridors of international cuisine in grocery stores as well as. If you really want to handle your family for a great meal, you should really try, southern cooking for the night.

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