Understanding of Eating Healthy Food

You can't really look at safe eating without considering healthy eating. The difference is smaller than people tend to think. We're rightly concerned about the dangers of food poisoning and the contamination of our food supply, but we don't always think about the long term damage wreaked by our own unhealthy eating patterns. Everyone knows that smoking causes lug cancer. It's not the only way to get lung cancer, just the most common one. How many of us know that third of all cancers may be attributed to the food we eat?

The trouble is, most of the food we eat now is highly processed. That means it's had a lot done to it before it reaches our hands. Fresh fruits and vegetables and straightforward cuts of meat aren't processed, so we're in control of how they're cleaned and cooked. We can also see if they're not fresh. Anything in a tin or a packet, or already made or partly made, however, has been through a number of processes. These foods often require stabilizers and preservatives to keep them appearing the way they're meant to look. Their contents may be of lower quantity than we'd choose for ourselves.

An unexpected problem comes from the advice we're getting to cut down on fat. Yes, we do eat too much fat, and too much is bad for us but that's far from being the only unhealthy or unsafe element of our diets. 'Healthy eating' is a lot more positive than just cutting down on fat. After all, a lot of low-fat products are still pretty unwholesome, being packed with sugar or artificial sweeteners and processed to death. The emphasis on cutting down on fat gives manufactures a chance to claim than over-processed foods, which are low in nutrition, are a healthy option just because some of the fat has been replaced by artificial sweeteners - which have a lot safety question marks hanging over them. Even margarine, containing healthy vegetables oil, ends up being quite unwholesome thanks to all the processes it goes through.

Things are really turned on their heads when we're offered sugary soft drinks 'with added fiber' when fiber is freely available from ordinary fruit, vegetables and bread. Processed foods proclaim that they are 'low-fat' when fat is only a problem because of the amount of fatty processed food we eat. The 'healthy options' offered by the food industry are only healthier than most of its own un-nourishing products, not healthier than the fresh minimally processed food we can easily make for ourselves.

A healthy diet includes protein, carbohydrates and some fat. Few of us are short of protein or fat, but most of us could do with more healthy carbohydrate in the form of fresh fruit and vegetable every day. The basic World Health Organization recommendation is five servings a day. A serving being one piece of fruit, or a handful of small fruit like raspberries, or an ordinary-size portion of vegetables on a plate. On average, we only eat two servings a day, so we could do ourselves a lot of good without going any further than the fruit bowl.

Frozen food is fine too. It often contains more vitamins than you'd find in fresh food that has travelled a long way since it was picked, though it doesn't have the texture of fresh food and one's sure yet how the other nutrients hold up. Make sure you eat a wide range of foods in the course of week. If you stick to the same few favorites you could be missing out on some nutrients.

If you like fizzy drinks, especially citrus flavors, buy them in bottles rather than cans. Alzheimer's Disease is thought to be connected with the amount of aluminum in our bodies, and fizzy drinks may contain some dissolved from the can. Don't' have too many, though, even from bottles, since the carbonated drink can stop your body absorbing vital minerals, especially calcium from food.

Important Points:

o Eat a lot more fresh fruit and vegetables. That's the most important change most of us could make to our diet.

o Cutting down on processed food automatically reduces your intake of saturated fat, sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners. All the things you don't need. It's also the easiest way of losing weight.

o The more processed a food is, the less control you have over what you're eating.

Daphnie is a food lover who has been involved in food industry for 10 years. She learn the easy and simple way cooking style from her mother and grandmother. She prefer to have the home make cooking style instead of outside food. She know how much housewives will appreciate the recipes. Special thought has been given to the speed and ease of preparation to steamline cooking chores whenever possible to the minimum. Not only are these dishes attrative, they really are simple and speedy to make. Test and try out any of these dishes and you will agree that as well as being entirely sucessful, they all live up to our claim that they are not only delicious but quick and easy to prepare.

You can visit my website at http://www.a1cookrecipes.com

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