The Close Relationship Between Culinary Herbs And Cooking

Even if you do not know much about herbs or have never given much thought to the cultivation of them, this article will reveal some interesting facts about herbs used for cooking. Almost everyone is aware of how culinary herbs elevate even the simplest meal to another level.

A rough chop of fresh basil to any prepackaged pasta sauce can add a homemade taste to simple spaghetti. Adding oregano takes it even one step further!

Tired of that plain ole baked potato? Load it down with fresh chives and you've got yourself a potato worthy of digging into.

What exactly does it mean to call an herb a culinary herb? We all probably own an assortment of little jars of dry herbs. The grocery store is chock full of nearly any herb you can name. And the worst part is we buy them for use in a particular dish, and never touch the bottle again for sometimes years. It then enters the realm of mystery as one day you search the cupboard only to find a dried herb bottle whose label has worn off the jar. This is not good for a creative cook.

Specifically, culinary herbs are food or drink additives of mostly botanical origin used in nutritionally insignificant quantities for flavoring or coloring. They are often referred to as sweet herbs and have ripe seeds and tender roots presented in various forms (whole, ground, flaked, etc). Culinary herbs also are extremely aromatic.

The use of herbs for cooking and creating unique tastes dates back to the early Egyptians. In Biblical days culinary herbs were highly favored. The books of Luke and Mattityahu chronicle that herbs were even used as payment for tithes.

If your spice cabinet or garden does not contain any culinary herbs then you are missing out on one of the rare pleasures of life. Once you fully experience the use of these exquisite herbs in your basic recipes you will no longer reach for those dried herbs in the bottle.

Herbs are one of nature's little surprise packages that contain a lot of flavor. Know your herbs before using them. In many cases a little goes a long way. In other instances you'll want to be careful which ones you blend together in a dish. Some are better for meats, others for poultry, and yet others work better with vegetables. If you want to impress your guests so choose your herbs carefully.

Certainly you've eaten at a five star restaurant and wondered how the chef made an everyday meal like baked chicken so delectable? The aroma alone of the poultry and vegetables elevated the meal to something sublime. It was because he knows the value of culinary herbs and the combinations that work best.

You don't necessarily need to purchase only the finest organic ingredients or have a Master's degree in the culinary arts. Just a little knowledge a few well-placed culinary herbs will help you create masterpieces in your humble kitchen.

The use of culinary herbs allows you to use your imagination when cooking. As more and more diners are exposed to reality cooking shows and our palates become more discerning, cooking with herbs is becoming more and more common.

Unlike our ancestors we do not eat merely for survival but enjoy the experience of combining nutrition with pleasurable nourishment. As you continue to learn more about the use of culinary herbs every meal can be elevated to a fine dining experience.

Joel & Ara'Bella are herb experts. For more information on home herb garden visit

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