Keeping Your Kitchen Clean and Guest-Ready!

It can be tiresome trying to maintain a clean kitchen. Even if you order in most nights, it can add up. Let me help you; I make all of our meals fresh and from scratch, and I have a seven month old baby on one hip while I do it!

Start in the Sink

Is your kitchen a disaster area? Start with your sink. Ignore everything else, let's just get that sink clean and sparkling. If there are dirty dishes in there, clean them, dry them, and put them away. Just what's in the sink, for now. Once your sink is empty, start scrubbing. Clean that sink to a sparkling shine. Use a soft scrub cleanser. Make sure to get in around your tap. There. Clean sink. That's a start.


Dishes go in the sink or dishwasher. Clean them, put them away. Garbage goes in the garbage bin. What appliances do you have on your counter? Do you use them every day? If not, consider putting them away in a cupboard, pantry, or nearby closet. Only bring it out when you use it. Is it essential? If not, get a donation box going. Clean them out well before you donate, please. If it's past saving, toss it. Take special inventory of your pantry and fridge. Now's the time to toss out that science experiment in the back of the fridge. Donate canned goods you darn well know you're not going to use to a local food bank.

Clean Everything

Scrub and wipe down every surface. Clean your counters, the fridge handles and doors, cabinets, everything. Scrub the interior of the fridge, scrub your cupboard shelves. Place everything back in a neat and tidy manner. If it doesn't fit, donate or toss. Scrub your floors.

There! Now you're ready to cook healthy, wholesome meals to friends and family!

Start Clean; End Clean

Now that you have a clean kitchen, it is simply a matter of maintaining. The key is to clean as you go. Pick up after yourself, and teach your kids to do the same.

Use the Right Tools

Yes, really, the right tools can make all the difference! Get yourself a decent cutting board or mat, and sharp knives. It is a good idea to buy at least two cutting boards or mats in two different colors. Use one exclusively for fruits and vegetables, and the other exclusively for meats. This helps eliminate contamination of dangerous bacteria from raw meats to your fruits and vegetables. Sharp knives cut down on messy splatters. Keep them sharp with a knife sharpener. Use caution.

Also, invest in a good set of non-stick cookware. Don't put them in the dishwasher, and use nylon tools on them to avoid damaging the surface. These clean up lickety-split, and cut down on the need for elbow grease, which can be tiring after you cooked a big, lovely, messy meal.

Use Your Time Wisely

If you've just popped a casserole in the oven for ten, twenty, or forty minutes, use that time to clean up! Clean your dishes or load them in the dishwasher, wipe down the counters, sweep the floor. You've done all that, your kitchen is clean, and there's still twenty minutes on the clock? Reward yourself and take a break. Stay nearby so you're aware of any burning issues.

A clean kitchen is your gateway to being able to make healthier meals, and frees up time that would normally be spent after your nice meal cleaning instead of enjoying the company of your friends and family, or just a quiet evening watching television. Once the meal is finished, instead of having an epic mess to clean, you have only a few dishes and possibly a casserole dish that perhaps requires a nice, long, overnight soak.

But first thing in the morning, clean your sink!

You can visit Stasia and take part in her kitchen and family adventures by visiting

Stop by and try something new!

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