Organic Spices - A Trend for Consumer Preference

One of the fastest growing elements of the food business is the move toward organic foods and specifically the use of organic spices in the kitchen.

No question that a large part of this increase has been driven by consumer health issues. A major study, published by the National Research Council in the early 90's determined that for children and infants a major source of exposure to pesticides is through diet. For most consumers, anything labeled organic means "without chemicals: and that is a key requirement. When foods and spices are labeled by the USDA as Certified Organic it means those products are grown on land that has not had synthetic fertilizer, insecticides or herbicides applied to it for a minimum if three years.

Organic farmers and producers of organic spices and herbs work well beyond the rules governing certification. They are committed to the health and well - being of the people who do the work, the environment, and those of us who choose to buy organic. The very best producers work continually to restore and enhance Mother Earth, respect the balance of nature, and the integrity of the foods that are being resourced. They focus on growing practices and use terms like "sustainable agriculture" to define how they look at the need to protect the land for the future.

Producers are focused on the ensuring that their products meet the standards for sourcing that are in compliance with the National Organic Standard and meet the standard for the Quality Assurance International (QAI). Without the QAI stamp of approval, consumers can not be certain that they are buying organic.

Organic products will typically cost 10 - 40% more than similar conventionally produced stuff, so it is no surprise that organic foods only account for 1 -2 % of the total food sales worldwide. Organic food and specifically the use of organic spices is the fastest growing sector of the American food market, out distancing the growth of the conventional market by a substantial number.

Bottom Line, if you choose to buy organic "anything" its likely you have a concern for your health, want to know that the product has been grown and harvested with a concern for the environment and are willing to pay a little more for it.

Stocking your spice rack with organic spices and herbs fits with these criteria and adds one extra element to your decision...the taste! Certified Organic Spices, properly packaged and date stamped fresh will add noticeable difference to your cooking and palette.

Doug Stranahan is the owner of and knows the importance of picking the right organic spice for the right job.

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